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Sunday, 16 October 2011


After a lengthy hiatus (a witch's brew of looming uni deadlines, work and procrastination), I've resolved to extend some blog lovin' and write about a new photography book I just bought - Microworlds by Marc Valli and Margherita Dessanay.

Vincent Bousserez - Comete voyeuse

Microworlds is a tongue-in-cheek collection of photos revealing the unobserved beauty of small objects, and how narrowing one's focus can (ironically) open our eyes to unseen aspects of everyday life. Take the following as an example.

Minimiam - Saveur de creme

The photo on the left is deliberately deceptive - burnt brown surface, potholes, craters ... the Moon? Mars? No - a creme brulee :)

Minimiam - Peinture Fraiche

Minimiam - Un ou deux sucres (excuse the absence of accents, haven't quite mastered those keystrokes yet..)

Minimiam - Plaisirs nautiques

Whoever thought of using a walnut shell as a getaway vehicle was a genius.

Minimiam - Marguerite

Minimiam - Lolita

I absolutely love this - it perfectly captures the stickiness of hazy summer days :)

Minimiam - Canicule

Vincent Bousserez - La plage

Foundation compact or humid beach scene? Why not both?

Vincent Bousserez - The soft slope

I love how the dimples in the toilet paper mimic footprints in the snow.

Vincent Bousserez

Vincent Bousserez - Watch Washer

Vincent Bousserez

Vincent Bousserez - Wall Painter Far From His City

Vincent Bousserez - The Barber
 If only shaving could be outsourced so easily ...

Vincent Bousserez

Vincent Bousserez - Ready, waiting for the rain

Audrey Heller - 3 o'clock
If only time really was something we could sit on, and control. And freeze, when the moment is perfect. But no, it always runs away from us. So this photo is just wishful thinking.

Audrey Heller - Pairing

Audrey Heller - Measure
I think this says a lot about growing old, and beginning to feel that your life is drawing to an end. With each passing year, numbers and birthdays become infinitely more significant, perhaps to the point where we obsess about how many years we've lived, and how many we have left.

Audrey Heller - Shades

The colourful innocence of childhood.

Audrey Heller - Challenging Conditions

A cereal bowl would get pretty treacherous if you were this small. Particularly when the mini-wheats get soggy and start sinking ...

Audrey Helller - Double

I love this one, it's so cute!! Imagine a coffee cup so big you could swim in it ... I would never fall asleep at work again.

Audrey Heller - Heart and Soul

Dancing to your own song - literally ...

Audrey Heller - Funny Valentine

Jason Barnhart - Apple Harvest

Jason Barnhart - Gumdrops

Jason Barnhart - Fire

Something so small (it's only one cigarette, right?) can cause so much damage. One smoke leads to another, and another, and another ... addiction, lung cancer ... until one day you're staring at those awful ads on TV and they don't seem so foreign to you anymore.

Jason Barnhart - Spill

Grace Weston - Baby Makes Three

I think this captures how overwhelming a baby can be ... the joy and disbelief, and at the same time, the sheer terror and enormous sense of responsibility you would feel all at once.

Grace Weston - Couples therapy

Some people just wear their hearts on their sleeves (and can you blame them?). The box of tissues is gorgeous.

Grace Weston - Free to go

If only emotional baggage wasn't so damn heavy ...

Grace Weston - Winter Wish, Winter Dream

It's a beautiful scene, but there's also something incredibly sad and poignant about it. The lost bed, the window onto nothing, the snow-white doves, and waking up to a birthday cake - a reminder of how quickly time is passing you by.

Lisa Swerling - Waiting for Inspiration

Lisa Swerling - Bisou Bisou (Kisses from Paris)

If you were with the perfect person in Paris, I think your surroundings really would melt away like wallpaper :)

Lisa Swerling - All the days

Happy travels, for all of you :)


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love these photos! There is something absolutely charming and eye catching about all of them. Just when you think you have a favourite another fabulous one follows!

monica said...

Aww I love all of them! Especially the watch washer and the dancers waltzing across the manuscript!!

Cappucino said...

Thanks guys!! Glad you enjoyed them :) Will be posting again v soon :D