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Monday, 2 May 2011

The Wedding Dress of the Century

Two words. Sarah Burton. Responsible for making millions of women around the world sigh in envy (and possibly despair). After a wedding as magical as that witnessed on Friday, how could brides-to-be around the world possibly compete? Any dress would seem infinitely inferior after seeing Burton's heavenly creation (particularly on Catherine Middleton). She looked S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G. Absolutely flawless. She couldn't have lived a greater fairytale if she'd been drawn by Disney. And who could forget those two fleeting kisses on the balcony? A truly enchanting day :)

London was whipped up in wedding fever long before the big day, as the above cupcakes demonstrate. Man, I wish I'd been in London at that time ...

How cute are these teabags?? I saw them on Fashion Police (the greatest show on earth) when Joan Rivers et al. were doing a special episode on the Royal Wedding. 'Excuse me waiter, there's a Prince in my teacup!' As disturbing as that is, I do think the Princess Catherine teabag is fitting. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, women are like teabags; you don't realise how strong they are until you put them in hot water. I have no doubt that sweet and gentle Catherine will make a wonderful Princess, and make her British fans proud.

No offence to the British Mint, but that's not exactly the most flattering picture of Catherine, and does not do her justice! But I guess it's still pretty neat to have your face on a coin! :)

I love how even Google joined the celebrations of the big day! Good ol' Google. How did we ever live without it??

Okay, so some details about the outfit. Something old and borrowed? The Cartier "halo" tiara, lent to Kate by the Queen. Something new? The diamond earrings given to Kate by her parents. They had been custom-made for her, and bore the Middleton family crest (acorns). Something blue? A blue ribbon sewn inside Kate's ivory Alexander McQueen dress.  

Kate's dress bore striking similarities with the gowns worn by Grace Kelly of Monaco (above) and Princess Margaret (below).

And now for the not-so-nice shots.  Yes, Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice of York.  As much as Brits love their infamous milliner Philip Treacy, the hat just didn't look good on Princess Beatrice. The ease with which spoofs surfaced on the internet mere hours after the event is further proof. Evidence below.

More photographic evidence of the day.

Is it just me or is the little girl on Pippa's left checking the sky for rain? And I'm fairly sure she was the same girl frowning on the balcony when Kate and Wills kissed, squeezing her hands over her ears as if to squash them permanently into her head. Such a cutie, but clearly not having the best day of her life.

Will: Are you sure you want to go through with this?

Kate: Guess we might as well. I've walked this far without tripping.

Aerial shot of the bald patch that gave Wills so much grief (and gave Harry so much ammo) at the wedding reception.

Yes the ceremony's finally over! I can breathe now.

Love her mischievous smile here. She just looks so happy :)

Party at No. 10 Downing Street! And why not. In a world gripped by seemingly incessant natural disasters, countless conflicts and nations vacillating between hope and pure despair, why not celebrate a fairytale wedding? A moment of unadulterated joy and escapism? Yes, welfare spending continues to slide down, down, down Britain's rabbit hole, but the newlyweds are bringing the Monarchy back to life, and helping it reconnect to commoners around the world like you and me.

On a somber note ... Elsewhere around the globe, as democratization movements sweep through the Middle East, Americans are celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden. News stations yesterday were absolutely saturated with the news.

It was almost ten years ago when I watched planes hurtle into the World Trade Centres and thought I was watching a scene from a bad movie. Never could I forget that image, if I were to live five hundred years. And so we watched America throw itself into Afghanistan, and then Iraq. In both countries, 7,000 coalition troops and some 100,000 civilians died as a result. And when it seemed that hope had finally sunk below the horizon, yesterday's news awakened it once more.

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